Bright Spots

For Sundog’s Newsletters

Happy thanksgiving day

November Newsletter

Thanksgiving Stories We all love a great feast and warm (and sometimes spicy!) gathering of friends, family, and favorites during Thanksgiving. Making Mom’s biscuits, creating memories, and laughing until our sides hurt are all on the menu! We’ve collected some of the top stories from each of our Sundog team to bring to the memory…

Happy thanksgiving day

Thanksgiving Stories

We all love a great feast and warm (and sometimes spicy!) gathering of friends, family, and favorites during Thanksgiving. Making Mom’s biscuits, creating memories, and laughing until our sides hurt are all on the menu! We’ve collected some of the top memories from each of our Sundog team to bring to the memory buffet and…

Billls showing domain renewal notice overlaid with magnifying glass highlighting "this is not a bill"

August 2024 Newsletter

IDENTIFYING THE DOMAIN RENEWAL SCAM Your accounting department has probably already received at least one false invoice to renew your domain. Scammers send these emails or physical invoices to get you to pay for services you do not need or want. Scamming organizations make their living through deception, inflicting fear and causing panic-driven decisions intending…

Half photo coffee cup on table, half girl in coat and ski goggles

March 2024 Newsletter

Are you neglecting the images on your website? Our Sundog team designs dozens of websites every year, and in our experience, many clients underestimate the value of great quality images – often providing old, small, or blurry photos that repeat throughout their pages, or they license stock photos that don’t enhance their brand or truly…