Happy Thanksgiving

Happy thanksgivingOn behalf of the Sundog Media team I want to wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving.

It is a bit of a tradition at our thanksgiving meals to take a moment and go around the room and share a few items that we are thankful for. This year we have so much to be thankful for and I thought I would share a few from my heart.

  • At the top of the list would have to be my family and the fact that the triplets will be 2 years old shortly and we have survived thus far. Thanks to my wonderful family – 5 wonderful boys and an amazing wife.
  • I am thankful for good health for my whole family, like many starting to be middle aged folks I am starting to fight my share of ailments but I recognize that each day is a gift from God and one that I am learning to treasure.
  • I am thankful for good friends and family, for the many people that have helped us so much over these last two years with the triplets, it has been a huge blessing.
  • I am thankful to have a career that I am passionate about and challenged by. I truly do wake up each day glad to come to work striving to be a part of creating brilliant design.
  • Thanks also to our customers who believe in us and continue to work with us.
  • Thanks to those that serve our country so that we might have the freedoms that we enjoy.

Blessings on your thanksgiving!

Joe Law