Like A Good Big Brother – We’re Watching You!
Well, we’re not watching you exactly, we’re watching your website. We’ve recently partnered with Monitis, the leader in 3rd party monitoring solutions, so we can keep a closer eye on your website 24/7! What does this mean to you? It means that if you’re hosting your website with us, you can rest easy because if, for whatever reason, your website goes down or becomes unavailable, we will know about it almost instantaneously! Then your Sundog Media Team will spring into action* and deal with the problem until your site is up and running again!
We’ve always had systems in place that would alert us if there were any website issues, but our new Monitis system adds a whole new layer of redundancy and improves our current systems significantly. The system automatically checks website availability and the response time of your website from multiple locations across the country. If something untoward occurs, we’ll know about it and be able to deal with it quickly and efficiently! So like a good Big Brother, Sundog Media is always able to watch out for you and your website!
*We spring into action daily from 3 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday thru Friday!