Our Stockings Are Really Full This Year!
I can hardly believe that it’s already our second Christmas with our triplets! Cathy and I have enjoyed the variety of responses we have received when people learn we have triplets. Everything from “WOW, glad it’s you and not me” to one older gentleman who got real quiet, looked me in the eyes and said “I would give my left arm to have 3 young babies to raise right now.”
Although both of us have been overwhelmed with the life change I can honestly say that I am with the older gentleman! They are an amazingly rich blessing. Somehow God stretches our hearts so that we have enough love to go around and as I look into the eyes of Daniel, Gabriel and Josiah it is very easy to count our blessings this Christmas Season.
On behalf of my expanded family and the whole Sundog Media team I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and bountiful New Year and thank each of you from the bottom of our hearts for your patronage this year.
Joe, Cathy, Caleb, Joshua, Daniel, Gabriel & Josiah Law