Sundog Hosting – Why Topnotch Hosting is Crucial


It may surprise you to know that not all website hosting is equal.  Imagine living in a high-rise apartment complex in a bad neighborhood, versus a new single-family home with great views of the mountain, located in a superb neighborhood.  The neighborhood you choose often determines your level of security.

Sundog Media utilizes dedicated, high-quality servers that are optimized specifically for WordPress websites.  So, the only folks in your virtual neighborhood are other awesome Alaska businesses with WordPress websites.  Much like a great neighborhood that has standards to prevent your neighbors from having a dozen old junkers parked in the front yard, Sundog has systems in place that ensure each virtual property/website is clean and in great working order.

Website security has become an extremely high priority. You can imagine your risk of being hacked goes way up if you are on a low-end shared server (much like that high-rise complex in a bad neighborhood).  Along with our dedicated servers, we are ensuring your site is running the latest core version of WordPress, along with the Genesis framework and various approved plugins.  Our hosting environment’s frequent, proactive vulnerability scans and malware monitoring, is like have a policeman living right next door.  You can rest well at night knowing your website is safe and sound.  We regularly have customers move into our virtual neighborhood after having experienced a virtual equivalent of a ‘break-in’ in the form of a malware intrusion.  Our ‘virtual neighborhood’ has that 1950’s Leave it to Beaver feel of safety, along with all the security technology you would expect from the Jetsons.

All this to say, we do not host your website on an old computer in the back part of our office.  We partner with what may be the world’s best, managed WordPress hosting company, and combine it with a long list of essential, value-added services that make hosting with us an incomparable value.

With almost 20 years of experience hosting with a myriad of companies, I can confidently say that WP Engine, along with our additional monitoring and management, stands out head and shoulders above any other hosting service available.  I personally review a daily report for uptime, load time, and more. And, although all hosting companies experience downtime and issues, I believe WP Engine is the clear winner.

Let’s stroll out of my neighborhood analogy and wander over to our some more technical details about our managed WordPress hosting services.