Kenaitze Indian Tribe

It has been thousands of years since the Kenaitze Indian Tribe’s people, the Kahtnuht’ana Dena’ina, first inhabited the Kenai Peninsula. They call this area Yaghanen, the good land. After many challenges throughout the years, today the tribe is proud to say Naqantugheduł – the tide is coming in. The tide is coming in because it is an exciting time for the tribe and their people as they continue to work toward their mission: To assure Kahtnuht’ana Dena’ina thrive forever.
The amazing team at the Kenaitze Indian Tribe put their hearts and minds to the task of gathering and organizing information in an effort to effectively communicate the change and growth in their programs and services. We at Sundog thoroughly enjoyed working with the Kenaitze team to craft a website that is not just an amazing mobile-friendly design, but also meets the needs of the tribe and will continue to grow and thrive as the the Kenaitze Indian Tribe does.