October Newsletter

October Message
I know I shouldn’t complain about all the rain this summer but I was beginning to question the whole rainbow promise about not flooding the earth again! However, I’m thankful for having no forest fires and for the water – especially considering how much of the lower 48 would love to have some of the rain with all the high temps and droughts they’ve experienced.

This fall has done a good job making up for “summer”. The leaves are magnificently yellow and the termination dust on the mountains, simply beautiful. I have to come clean though. Cathy and I are getting on a jet plane and heading to Utah and Idaho where we’ll try and sneak in a little extra sunshine before we settle into our long Alaska winter.

On behalf of the Sundog Media team, I wish all of you a great, and beautiful, Autumn!

God Bless,

The Lord is gracious and compassionate,
    slow to anger and rich in love.

‭‭Psalm 145:8 ‭NIV

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