Having been involved with hosting websites, testing many of the market leaders now for 20 years, I can say without a doubt WP Engine has been the best I have ever worked with. Technology is constantly changing, and WP Engine does a great job staying on top of those changes by making any improvements necessary. Updated technology is pivotal to our team goal of delivering quality, managed WordPress hosting for all of our Alaskan customers. Recently, WP Engine has moved to Google’s Data Center and we are excited to be migrating to this incredible infrastructure.
I had to get the folks from WP Engine on the line to explain this to me and honestly, even after the chat, it was a bit confusing. The general idea is that if the actual hard drive where your website based is on fire, or under alien attack, the data will automagically be moved to an alternative location in the cloud and the site will stay up and running – thus self-healing powers – pretty cool!
Although self-healing is rocking, the biggest reason for the change is that the new servers allow us to take advantage of automated SSL configuration and our goal is to make sure every WordPress site Sundog hosts is up and running with SSL. You can see the nice secure-locking icon right next your domain name in the browser, and you can rest assured your site is extra secure. In case you were wondering – HTTPS is the secure protocol for the web. It safeguards your visitors by creating encrypted connections between your visitors and your site, protecting your visitors’ privacy and the data they share with you over the Internet.
Great Article – http://torquemag.io/2016/10/why-lets-encrypt-has-completely-changed-the-ssl-landscape/
By enabling HTTPS with free Let’s Encrypt certificates, you can also expect better Google search engine rankings, since HTTPS is used as a ranking signal.
On the new platform, HTTPS also automatically enables HTTP/2 (the latest hypertext transfer protocol), which improves website load times
This is the same server infrastructure that runs the world’s biggest search engine, Gmail, YouTube…a big chunk of the Internet. Your website is on a dedicated environment – not a shared server stacked with who-knows-what type of nefarious virtual neighbors.
You can take a tour here: https://www.google.com/about/datacenters/gallery/#/tech or watch a movie about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZmGGAbHqa0
At Sundog, we’re committed to protecting our customers’ websites while simultaneously making them secure and blazingly fast. And we might even mix in a few super-human powers as well.